News Legacy



The News Article content type can be used for news articles or blog posts.

To allow for syndication, the News Article functions differently than other content types. See instructions in the How to Use and How to Use - Article Field sections below.

Fields and Character Limits

*required fields


  • Character Limits: none
  • Help Text: Enter the news headline

Customized Headline

  • Character Limits: none
  • Help Text: Enter a customized headline, if desired

Featured News*

  • Yes
  • No


  • Date picker: Pick the date the news item was published


  • Character Limits: none
  • Help Text: Enter the author name, if desired

External URL

  • Character Limits: none
  • Help Text: Enter a URL to link to an article on KU News or another news outlet


  • Help Text: Enter news article or blog content. IMPORTANT: The Article field functions differently than other content types. See “How to Use – Article Field” on News for instructions.

Thumbnail/Featured Image

  • Image Artibutes: One file only.

    32 MB limit.

    Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
  • Help Text: The thumbnail image appears in Body 18 - News Card Group, Body 19 - News and Events and Body 20 - Prominent News

Alternative Text*

  • Help text: See Alternative Text for info about writing effective alternative text.


  • Character Limits: none
  • Help Text: Enter a location of the of the news, if desired

Available Style Options

  • None

Where Can You Use This Section?

The News Article is a stand alone content type.

News can be displayed on

  • Content Page
  • Landing Page
  • Kitchen Sink

by using these Sections

How to Use

  1. Enter the Title
  2. Add a Customize Title if you want to edit or use another Title
  3. Select Yes or No for Featured News
  4. Use the Date Picker to set the date
  5. Enter the Author, if desired
  6. Enter an external URL if you want the news article to redirect to another site
  7. Enter the Article content - IMPORTANT: See "How to Use - Article Field" below
  8. Upload an image if you want to have a thumbnail image appear in Body 18 - News Card Group, Body 19 - News and Events and Body 20 - Prominent News
  9. Enter Tags, if desired, to group news articles (an update coming)
  10. Enter a Location, if desired

How to Use - Article Field

The Article field works differently that other content types.

Adding Images

To add an image in News Article:

  1. Place your cursor in the desired location
  2. Select the Image icon in the WYSIWYG editor
    View ScreenshotScreenshot of Image icon location
  3. Select an image from your IMCE File Browser (upload new images as needed)
  4. Once the image is placed in your editor, right click on the image and select Image Properties
  5. From the Image Properties dialogue:
    1. Add alternative text
    2. Select alignment:
      1. None
      2. Left
      3. Center
      4. Right
    3. Optional: Select Caption to insert a caption below the image

Adding Content Templates

There are three content templates available in News Article that can be inserted between paragraphs:

  • One Large Image
  • Row of Three Images
  • Pull Quote

How to Add a Content Template

  1. Place your cursor in the desired location
  2. Select the Templates icon from the WYSIWYG editor
    View ScreenshotScreenshot of Templates icon location
  3. Select a content template
  4. Replace the placeholder images with your own:
    1. Right click on the image to bring up the Image Properties dialogue
    2. From the Image Properties dialogue, select Open File Browser
    3. Select an image from your IMCE File Browser (upload new images as needed)
    4. Add alternative text
    5. Select alignment
    6. Optional: Select Caption to insert a caption below the image

Add an Article Summary

By default, some sections use the first few sentences of a new article as a teaser/preview (e.g., Body 18, Body 20). Select the Edit summary link to the right of the Article field label to add/edit summary text to replace the default teaser/preview text. View ScreenshotScreenshot of Edit Summary link location

Default News Page

KU CMS sites come with a default news page that includes your most recent “Featured News” story (at least one news story created using the News Article content type must be checked as "Featured News" for this element to work), a paginated list of your other news stories, and an optional sidebar with media contact information.

The use of this default page is encouraged, but not mandatory. If you opt not to use the page in your site menu, the page will remain on your site, but can only be found via search. Contact KU IT Web Services at for additional assistance.

Editing Media Contacts Sidebar

Because this page is generated by a Drupal view, a site administrator will need to edit the view itself to update your media contacts information.

  1. Go to your default news page:
  2. Select the blue Edit Media Contacts button in the 'Media Contact' section View ScreenshotSelect Edit Media Contacts in top-right
    1. You are now on the edit page for the view that is creating the /news page
  3. Select the link titled Media Contacts (Media Contacts) from the “Footer” section in the center column View ScreenshotSelect the Media Contacts (Media Contacts) link
  4. In the “Content” field View ScreenshotContent field within Footer section, delete the following Raw HTML code:

<h4>Media Contacts</h4>

<p>To update the Media Contacts, you will need to edit the "Media Contacts" section in the footer section of the News view.  Please note that only site admins have the ability to edit it.</p>

<p><a aria-label="Edit Media Contacts" class="btn ku-button ku-button--standard-blue my-4" href="/admin/structure/views/view/news" role="button">Edit Media Contacts</a></p>

  1. Then, copy/paste the following code and update the media contact information (name, title, phone, email):

<h2 class="h4">Media Contacts</h2>
<a href=""></a>

  1. Select the blue Apply (this display) button in the lower left View ScreenshotSelect Apply (this display) in lower left
  2. Finally, select blue Save button in the lower left of the edit page for /news View ScreenshotSelect 'Save' in lower left
  3. Verify your changes on your default /news page
  4. If you have any trouble, or if you are not comfortable making these changes, contact Web Services at for help.